Листая японские блоги
наткнулся на жизнеписание японской школьницы. Без цензуры:
wow today no sch again! hehe but kind of boring when starting
woke up as not feeling well den like blur blur one la..
suddenly receive surprise call! omgosh!!!
hehe but its secret=x hahas den went to woodlands as sth happened!
hahas den went to pasir ris inter to meet de EA's peeps!
hahas de moment reached there saw min yi walkin to me lols..
den was bit hungry so went to buy some food to eat while waiting for my cg to arrive.
but alot ppl late ah hahas all came around 3plus like tat plus heavy rain somemore
so end up goin to jeslin's house instead of pasir ris park oh yea shervelle came too!
den sat bus there, but most funny is at de 4th stop(i tink) sirui was running towards
de stop den suddenly shefall down!
lols den joy faster run over luckily someone stopped de driver if not he long off le.
den settle down at jeslin house den we played concerntration super funny hahas.
den had praise and eating time! hahas our gp cooked bee hoon.
but its bit hard to bite de bee hoon la lols and very oily lols..
so cool! den eat n eat till 5+ den went down to play some games but needa go home so went off wit evelyn and shervelle.
we took bus 39 and shervell went down first so left me n evelyn at de next stop to change bus.
suddenly she wan check time den took her phone out but end up dropped and hit my leg! lols..
its very pain la but luckily de phone nth happen..
so i took bus 9 and her bus 29 was behind mine!
hahas so slpy la so gonna rest early tonight and see my results tmr!!! bye bye=) lovesПрочитав пяток таких постов я практически сроднился с этим den-ом! Неплохо бы также посмотреть на hahas-а... и про lol-а я уже просто умолчу...
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